Intuitive Guidance and Healing sessions allow you the time and space to connect in with your Highest Self, uncover your truest potential in life, activate your intuitive gifts and abilities, all whilst deepening your connection with the incredible essence of who YOU truly ARE.
I will receive messages from your guides, my guides, and the angels that surround and support you, to create a clear vision in your mind of your soul’s incredible purpose in life.
I will evaluate any ‘energetic blockages’ that may be hindering your growth and evolution to your higher purpose.
We will work together to uncover underlying patterns, thoughts, values and belief systems that have created suppressive and conditioned programs within you, that no longer align with where you are in life or your evolving values or purpose.
During the Healing session, I will tune into your body’s energetic frequency and uncover and identify any blockages created from past trauma or inherited generational programing present, that may be stored in your body’s cellular memory, muscle tissue, auric field, Meridians, or Charka’s.
Acupuncture infused with energetic sound healing and channeling pure source healing energy from your guides (Reiki), will allow you to drop into a deep state of restorative healing for your nervous system, body and spirit.
I will dissolve any energetic blockages that arose during your guidance session to allow you more capacity to deepen your connection to you, your self-confidence, self-worth and will power to have all the trust, power and courage you need in your ever-evolving journey to be living in your most optimal potential in your true power - the essence of YOU!
Available in Person + Online!
I personally believe that connecting to your intuition and Spirituality should be a joyful experience! Of course there are going to be times that feel a little more difficult, when the ‘big stuff’ comes up to be processed - which is why you have the extra support throughout the Sorene Alchemy Adventure!
In this 11 week Intuitive Guidance mentorship adventure , we will work together to help you shift deep-rooted fears around your connection to yourself, your intuition, your self-worth, and your values in life.
We will establish achievable ways for you to cultivate and establish a true relationship with your intuition and deepen your understanding and levels of your personal power and your connection to higher source energy.
This Intensive Mentorship goes further than just connecting to your spirituality - it will help you to connect further into yourself and acknowledge, process and understand your values and beliefs in life without societal and generational conditioning that has been integrated into your system.
Uncovering, acknowledging, and clearing out unconscious layers of fear, shame, guilt, and all the lower vibrational frequencies will help you to gain clarity and understanding and deep grounding in your true self your the incredible essence of YOU, moving forward.
I am here to support you through this intensive journey with extra support and guidance outside of of the BIG intuitive guidance sessions. You will receive guidance and tools to help support you in your journey to make it a fun, achievable and sustainable for you in your daily life - wherever you are in your personal/spiritual journey.
Available in Person + Online!
Founder of Sorene Healing, Sorena is an Acupuncturist (BhSc) & Psychic Medium.
Sorena has a passion for helping people return to their most optimal potential in life through Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Energetic Healings.
Low energy levels, stress, depression, anxiety, unbalanced diet can disrupt your body's harmonious cycles of free-flowing Qi (life energy). Sorena will work with you to restore your body back to it's homeostatic state so you can live life at its most optimal potential.
In many recent years, Sorena has also learned Healing Modalities of NLP, Applied Physiology Kinesiology, Relaxation Massage, Sound Healing, and Reiki, which she incorporates with much enthusiasm during an Intuitive Guidance & Healing Session.
"I am here to hold a space for you to uncover old patterns, thoughts and beliefs no longer serving you or aligning with your current values in life.
I will receive messages from my guides, your guides and the angels that surround us to guide you
to release what no longer adds value to your life, so you may heal, grow, and honour your truth and soul journey in life."
Much Love, Sorena
Sorena is a Registered Health Professional with AACMA, AHPRA, and IICT.
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Live Life at Your Most Optimal Potential!